Heaven - A highline adventure

Highlining is a niche adventure sport that requires the joining of two high points with a thin piece of webbing, to walk across it. I thought it would be a gorgeous sport to photograph but I had no intention of doing it myself.

In 2022, I reached out to Gerlald Situ, an accomplished highliner to see if I could photograph him. He graciously planned an adventure with his partner and two friends. We went to one of the most scenic and dramatic highlines around, aptly named “Heaven”. What makes this line striking is that from both anchors you are plummeted into direct exposure from cliffs, increasing any fear of heights one may have.

At the end of the shoot, they asked me if I’d like to roll out on the line (harnessed in). I agreed and quickly became obsessed with the sport and was welcomed by the tight community.

Additional adventures:

The highlining community is constantly getting creative with new ways to rig ropes and webbing. A stone’s throw north from the Heaven line, a 70-metre rope swing was rigged between the gulley. On the other side of the line, three high lines joined together to a “space net”.


Regenerative Agriculture X Open Road Group


Vancouver X Destination Vancouver